“In the rhythm of Christian life, Ewalu serves as a place apart
to connect the Word of God with the world of God.”
-Ewalu Mission Statement
Since 1961, donation-supported camperships have been vital to the ministry of Ewalu. The purpose of Ewalu’s Campership Fund is to provide financial assistance to help families afford to send their children to camp.
We promise that no child will ever be denied a camp experience due to financial constraints.
Today, a typical week at a residential camp is now well over $1,000. At Ewalu, we’ve been able to keep the average cost of a week at camp at about $525 because of financial gifts to the Campership Fund from supporters like you.
With each passing year, Ewalu receives increasingly more requests for assistance in sending youth to camp. We estimate about 10% of Ewalu’s summer campers request some level of financial assistance, and the total assistance granted in camperships has risen to over $18,000.
Our campership awards range from partial assistance to full scholarships. In designating funds, Ewalu partners with families and congregations to make camperships a reality.
Your support not only helps bring youth to camp who, without your assistance, simply wouldn’t come, but also shares the Gospel news that no one stands outside of God’s love and grace.
Please prayerfully consider making a gift to Camp Ewalu’s Campership Fund.
To donate online, click the button below and choose “Camperships” in the “Direct Your Donation” menu.