Camp supporters will have an opportunity on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, to bring the campaign total even closer to the $2 million goal. Ewalu is participating in Great Give Day, a 24-hour online fundraising event sponsored by the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque (CFGD). Donations made online May 15 at will go toward the “Cedar at 60” campaign. Throughout the day, donors can help the Christian ministry qualify for special bonus prizes and unlock challenges, funded by CFGD and friends of Ewalu, that will boost the total even more.
Challenges for May 15 include:
- A $30,000 dollar-for-dollar match from an anonymous donor, to help us reach our goal
- A $1,000 bonus for getting 50 donors during the Power Hour, noon to 1 p.m. Central time
- A $1,000 bonus from Decorah Lutheran Youth to get donors from 15 different states or countries during the day
- A $1,000 “Alumni Challenge” to be dedicated to the decade with the most staff alumni donors (the winning decade’s donors will each be mailed an “Alumni if Ewalu” sticker)
- PLUS, Ewalu can qualify for special bonuses from the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque and the Clayton County Foundation for the Future!