Gather ’round the digital “campfire” to hear from friends of Camp Ewalu!
Frank Johnson, Ewalu’s executive director, interviews various people who have stories about Camp Ewalu. Take a listen to the episodes below!
Episode 2: Charlie Rod, past camper and longtime member of Ewalu’s summer staff for 8 summers in the 1990s and 2000s. Charlie also served as president of Ewalu’s Board of Directors in the 2010s, and his kids are now Ewalu campers themselves! (He is married to Pr. Kristen Corr Rod, another camper/summer staff alum.)
Charlie, who now lives in Waverly, talks about the serious and silly from his time on summer staff. He talks about being the “old man” on summer staff, what camp place is most meaningful to him, the biggest things he has learned from camp, and what he’d like to see for the future of Ewalu?
If you’re looking for the Facebook summer staff alumni group, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/49716042075 and answer the membership question to join the group!

Episode 1: Karen Franks, past member of Ewalu Board of Directors
Karen, who lives in Cedar Rapids, talks about the land that would later become Camp Ewalu. She explored the “nooks and crannies” of the land when she was a kid growing up in Oelwein and visiting her extended family, who owned part of the land before 1961. Her family was interested in sustainability in the late 1930s and ’40s. She also was involved with helping create Ewalu’s “connecting the Word of God with the world of God” mission statement.
Enrichment Event: “Exploring Tropical Ecology in the Peruvian Rainforest” with DC Randle, former summer staff member (1980-83)
A gifted educator and story-teller, DC transports us to the vibrant rainforest of Peru, introducing us to incredible plants and animals. For many years, DC has brought groups of students to experience a new environment of tropical ecology, indigenous culture, sustainable development and rainforest research in South America. In 2000, DC began working as an expedition coordinator for trips to Peru. He has been honored with several educational awards for his dedication to education and young people. This presentation was recorded on April 21, 2023, at Ewalu’s Creation Center via Zoom.
Enrichment Event: “Theory, Practice & Benefits of Experience-Based Leadership Education” with Dr. Jeff Boeke, former summer staff member (1979-81)
Jeff is a faculty member at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and is globally recognized for his contributions in advancing the fields of adventure recreation, leadership studies, experiential education, and challenge course and zip wire programming. In his presentation, he discusses personal, professional, and academic considerations that connect life-experience to learning, leadership, education, and adventure. This presentation was recorded on Oct. 30, 2023, at Ewalu’s Creation Center via Zoom webinar.