COVID Updates – Summer 2022
Week 2 update for June 19-24:
Week 1 updates for June 12-19:
Due to high levels of COVID-19 in the community and community-spread within Ewalu, we will be instituting the following additional policies for week 1 of summer camp (June 12-19):
Face coverings (masks)
• Masks are required for all staff during check-in and in all communal indoor locations (Cedar Lodge, Creation Center, etc.)
• Masks are not required in cabins or when the only people present are within a cabin group (pod)
• Masks are required for all staff in the kitchen
• Masks are strongly recommended for all campers to wear in indoor locations, such as Cedar Lodge
• Masks will not be required for staff in outdoor locations
Group overlap
• To whatever extent possible, campers will not overlap with other camps, i.e. at shared campfires campers will sit in separate groups
• Parents/guardians may still park and leave their vehicles following check-in. Mask sare strongly recommended for parents/guardians who enter camp buildings.
• More specific information about the check-in procedure has been emailed to parents of campers who are pre-registered for Week 1 of summer camp.
Because of the current surge in Covid-19 infections in Iowa, these mitigation standards are subject to change. We will post any additional updates on this website and social media pages.
COVID Update – August 2021
In line with CDC recommendations, we are encouraging everyone able to receive a vaccine to be fully vaccinated before attending any events at Camp Ewalu this fall, including the 60th Anniversary and Fall Festival & Quilt Auction.
Masks will be required indoors at both of these events. We will be holding as many activities as possible, including meals outside. At outside events masks are required for those who are not vaccinated except when eating or drinking, and optional for those who are. If you feel safer with a mask you are encouraged to wear one. If you are sick or have had a known Covid-19 exposure or positive test in the last 10 days please do not attend. Any deposits paid will be fully refunded if a cancellation is made due to a Covid-19 concern.
Because of the current surge in Covid-19 infections in Iowa, these mitigation standards are subject to change. We will post any additional updates on our website and social media pages.
COVID Update – June 2021
Guidelines for camps from our certifying body the American Camping Association continue to change frequently regarding Covid-19 mitigation protocols. This is an update to those standards.
Camp Ewalu will be using program areas as the “cohort” groups for managing group sizes this summer; as long as campers are within their program area (cohort), and socially distant from any different program area persons, they will not need to wear a face mask. Those who wish to wear a mask are welcome to do so.
At this time we will not require masks to be worn outside except for potentially the all camp musical performance between Cedar Lodge and Creation Center. It will be difficult to keep the recommended spacing between program areas at this event. The event would last about forty-five minutes to one hour on Wednesday evening and masks could be removed as campers go back to their respective program groups. We will make the determination on whether masks are needed at this event each week based on the size of attendance each particular week.
Inside buildings masks will only be required when we need to mix program groups into one indoor facility and cannot maintain adequate spacing between groups; and when going through the food line in the dining hall before going outside to eat. This could happen on rainy days if we need to have multiple program areas in Cedar Lodge or the Creation Center and also if we need to shelter in the storm shelters during severe weather.
We would recommend still packing three to five masks just in case we have a rainy week which requires some program mixed indoor space activities.
We will do a health assessment at registration which will include a temperature check and asking of health questions. We also ask parents or guardians to do at home health checks before sending your children to camp to monitor for any signs of illness. If your children are sick or have a fever please keep them home. Help us keep uninvited guests like flu, norovirus, Covid-19 and head lice away from camp. Full refunds are available if a child cannot attend due to illness or if you are not comfortable with the camp’s Covid-19 protocols.
Our registration process will be drive through like it was conducted last year. This resulted in much less congestion in the creation center and a faster overall registration process. There will not be a Friday program this year either, camper pickup will be the same as last year, where staff persons will bring your camper to your car.
We will be doing as much outdoor programing as possible this summer to provide a fun, safe and faith building experience for all.
Thank you for your patience with the changes and for helping us to give your children a safe and healthy camping experience this summer!
Clark Baldwin
Executive Director
COVID Update – January 2021
COVID Free Summer
Last summer we adapted our procedures to allow for six weeks of camp with no reported cases of COVID-19! We are building upon our experience last year and look forward to another fun, safe, faith-filled, experience at Ewalu this summer. We hop you come out and join us at camp!
Follow Current Guidelines
We’re committed to providing another safe summer at Ewalu by following current guidelines and best practices from the CDC, American Camping Association, county, and state. We will again offer full-refunds for summer camp as health guidelines and schedules are subject to change.
Ewalu Communication
As the situation is ever-changing, especially with the anticipation of a vaccine, we will remain in communication over the next months through our website, social media, and via email. View Ewalu’s most up to date COVID-19 information and guidelines on this webpage.