New this year: Tiered Pricing

Camp families have differing abilities to pay for an experience at Ewalu. Since you know your family’s financial situation better than we do, we’re introducing a voluntary three-tier pricing structure in which you self-select the rate you can afford!

Please consider selecting the highest level you can afford, knowing that, in doing so, you are enabling others to participate as well – and all campers benefit from greater diversity at camp.

Tier 1: Most closely reflects the “true cost” of camp.
Tier 2: Standard rate from years past, partially subsidized.
Tier 3: Subsidized rate, for families needing more support to make camp affordable.

PLEASE REMEMBER: All campers receive the same high-quality camp experience regardless of the payment tier chosen. Your selection is completely confidential.

You’ll find the Tiered Pricing for each camp in the program descriptions (see below) and in the Online Registration portal.

Early Discounts still apply for any tier you choose! First Early Discount: $40 off any tier for full-week programs if registered by February 28 ($20 off for shorter programs unless otherwise listed). Second Early Discount: $20 off any tier if registered between March 1 and April 15 ($10 off for Mini Camp and Farm Mini Camp). No codes needed when registering online!

The Sibling Discount has been discontinued with the advent of Tiered Pricing. If you are registering more than one camper, you can “mix and match” at different tiers or use the same tier. It’s up to you!

NEED MORE SUPPORT? We continue to offer full and partial Camperships to all families who need them. Contact Diane in our office by calling 563-933-4700. We never turn campers away for reasons of financial need!

Because of the strong financial support of our donors and friends, Camp Ewalu subsidizes the true cost of camp for everyone.

The cost of high-quality outdoor ministry experiences at Ewalu includes food and utilities, equipment, insurance, maintenance, staff salaries, and more, which totals more than $800 per camper for our full-week programs.

Our history of subsidizing the true cost of camp – and our generous Campership program – has enabled campers from a broad economic spectrum to come together in Christian community for more than 60 years at Ewalu. To donate to our Campership Fund, click here.

NEW for 2024: Splash Camp

Youth completing Grade 8

Calling all 8th graders! Dive into this brand-new program at Ewalu! The week will be packed full of adventure in many different types of water! We will explore local creeks, check out some whitewater, play all sorts of water games, and of course spend plenty of time enjoying the pool! Throughout all our aquatic adventures, we will dig deep into our faith and how God is working in and around us! This new program is a trial run and open to a very limited number of campers.

Cost: Tier 1 – $650; Tier 2 – $550; TIer 3 – $450
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: July 13-18


Youth completing Grade 6

Explore new frontiers for a week as a Pioneer. Spend time on the farm caring for the animals, try your hand at gardening, and even have a wild hoe-down at the end of the week! You’ll also enjoy other camp activities like swimming, crafts, and the High Ropes Course. At the end of each day, hit the hay in a covered wagon just like in the “good ol’ days.”

Cost: Tier 1 – $625; Tier 2 – $525; TIer 3 – $425
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: June 15-20, June 22-27, July 6-11, July 13-18, July 20-25, July 27-August 1

Night Camp

Youth completing Grade 7

Have a hoot during Night Camp! Spend the week having night-time adventures like calling owls, gazing up at the stars, and going for a midnight swim—all while transitioning to a nocturnal schedule and back. You’ll also get to share faith stories, try the High Ropes Course, cook some of your own meals, and spend time around the campfire.

Cost: Tier 1 – $625; Tier 2 – $525; TIer 3 – $425
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: June 8-13, July 6-11, July 27-August 1, August 3-8

Confirmation Camp

Youth completing Grades 6-9

Ramp up your confirmation classes in a powerful way! Youth and leaders will make connections with their home church through our High Ropes Course, meaningful campfires, and an overnight canoe trip. Practice faith and leadership skills, build trust, and experience God’s grace that you’ve been learning about in this memorable week!

Cost: Tier 1 – $625; Tier 2 – $525; TIer 3 – $425
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: June 8-13, July 6-11, July 20-25, August 3-8

1 chaperone free.
Each additional chaperone: $250

Sample Confirmation Camp Schedule

M.A.D. Camp

Youth completing Grades 6-8

Express yourself at Music, Art, and Drama (M.A.D.) Camp! Devote your week to learning an instrument, singing, harvesting blue clay from a local stream, writing and performing your own skits, and more. You’ll swim in the pool, hike, play games, and explore your faith with friends. At night, return to modern cabins to rest up for the next day! Your group will write, stage and perform a short musical for parents and guardians at 1 p.m. Friday before the Closing Program. Click here for special M.A.D. Camp information (PDF).

Cost: Tier 1 – $625; Tier 2 – $525; TIer 3 – $425
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: June 22-27, July 20-25

Pack & Paddle

Youth completing Grades 7-9

Pack & Paddlers will backpack to beautiful Backbone State park and canoe the scenic Turkey River. There will be time to enjoy the sights, climb on natural rock faces, and sit around a fire with friends and awesome counselors. Enjoy wildlife, hearty meals, chats about faith and life, outdoor challenges, and a memorable Christian community. Click here for the Pack & Paddle packing list and release form (PDF).

Cost: Tier 1 – $650; Tier 2 – $550; TIer 3 – $450
(Early Discounts: $40 off any tier if registered by Feb. 28; $20 off any tier if registered by April 15. No codes needed!)

2025 Dates: June 8-13, June 22-27, July 13-18, August 3-8

Registration Information

These programs are for youth completing Grades 6-9. For youth completing grades 1-6 or 9-12, click the “Elementary” or “High School” pages on the menu above.

Special Note: Youth may register up or down one grade level. (However, youth in Grade 8 may NOT register up a year for High School programs.)

To reserve your spot, we must receive your registration and refundable $100 deposit.

To receive the Early Discount prices listed, registration forms must be received or postmarked by the First Early Discount Deadline of Feb. 28, 2025. The Second Early Discount Deadline is April 15, 2025. Additional financial assistance is available; contact Ewalu for more information.

Use the links below to register online or download a registration form to mail or email your registration. Summer camp brochures/registration forms will be mailed out to 2024 campers and distributed at many Lutheran churches across Eastern Iowa; check with your local congregation, or contact us for a full-color brochure.

Complete Registration Online
Download Registration Form
View Summer Schedule Grid

Additional custom weeks may be available for youth groups by request. Please call Emily Tull for details. 


Emily Tull, Program Director
Phone: 1-563-933-4700

Ewalu is a non-profit organization and serves all people regardless of race, creed, gender, or national origin.