Check out the 2025 Summer Program Schedule Grid!
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We can’t wait to see you at Ewalu!
Camp families have differing abilities to pay for an experience at Ewalu. Since you know your family’s financial situation better than we do, we’re introducing a voluntary three-tier pricing structure in which you self-select the rate you can afford!
Please consider selecting the highest level you can afford, knowing that, in doing so, you are enabling others to participate as well – and all campers benefit from greater diversity at camp.
Tier 1: Most closely reflects the “true cost” of camp. (Usually $100 more than Tier 2)
Tier 2: Standard rate from years past, partially subsidized. (Usually $100 more than Tier 3)
Tier 3: Most subsidized rate, for families needing more support to make camp affordable.
PLEASE REMEMBER: All campers receive the same high-quality camp experience regardless of the payment tier chosen. Your selection is completely confidential.
You’ll find the Tiered Pricing for each camp in the program descriptions and in the Online Registration portal. Click here to see a short video of Frank Johnson, executive director, explaining Tiered Pricing.
Register by February 28 so you can snag our best Early Discount, too (details in tab below). We’ve retired the Sibling Discount, but If you are registering more than one camper, you can “mix and match” at different tiers or use the same tier. It’s up to you!
Questions? Contact our office at 563-933-4700 or email
Register by April 15 to get $20 OFF all full-week overnight youth programs with our Early Discount! (Mini-Camp and Farm Mini-Camp have a $10 discount. No discount for Family Camp, Grandparent Camp or on-site Day Camp.)
Click the links below to see all 18 youth programs, check out the 8-week summer schedule grid, and then register!
NO CODES NEEDED at checkout, and it applies to ANY TIER you choose. Register NOW to get Ewalu’s best discount ➡️
A “campership” is a camp scholarship that Ewalu offers for families that need extra financial assistance in order to experience camp. Remember, no child is ever turned away at Ewalu for reasons of financial need. Generous donations from Ewalu supporters bring the true cost of a week at camp (over $800) down for every camper already. On top of that, we have reserved funds at Ewalu to make sure camp is possible for all families, no matter what you can afford to pay. Call Diane at Ewalu for more information about camperships at 563-933-4700. We want all kids to experience the faith-building environment at Ewalu!
new activities, and learning about God’s love for all of us. We’re ready for summer adventures. How about you?
Learn more about why summer camp changes lives!
CLICK THE GREEN BUTTONS BELOW to learn about our programs in different age groups, then get registered!
Still have questions, or need help with programs or registration? Contact Diane in our office, M-F during business hours. Call 563-933-4700 or email We’re here to help!
Each story, and every part of our lives, is shaped by words—spoken, heard, and read. The greatest story, though, is that of God’s salvation for all of creation. God’s Word came alive in Jesus Christ, the Savior. We read God’s word in scripture. The many ways we understand “Word” are at the heart of the theme for the week, as we emphasize the importance of God’s word that comes near.