Camp Ewalu’s Stone Retreat Center is located less than 90 minutes from Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Decorah, and Dubuque. Situated on 250 acres of rolling hills and woodlands, this upscale retreat center offers a peaceful, scenic setting ideal for retreats, conferences, and seminars. A friendly and courteous staff is waiting to serve the needs of your group.

The Stone Center accommodates up to 52 people in 14 cozy motel-style bedrooms. Linens are provided in this comfortable facility. Each room offers two twin beds, bunk beds, and private bathrooms and showers. A large central meeting room and separate lounge provide a relaxed atmosphere for quiet, comfortable, easy accessibility. The Stone Center sports a large grassy recreation field in the rear, as well as several miles of hiking trails through the surrounding, restored Iowa prairies and forested valley. Our staff take pride in providing tasteful, nutritious, and plentiful meals, planned and prepared by our food service staff. Banquets, receptions, and other special menus can even be provided upon request.
Call 563-933-4700 for open dates, make reservations, or inquire about retreat fees.
NOTE: The Stone Center site is located at 35124 Hwy 13, which is 2.5 miles north of Strawberry Point. Camp Ewalu’s Main Site is at 37776 Alpha Ave., 3 miles west of Strawberry Point on Highway 3.
Rental Information
If you would like an estimate for your group or have questions, please contact the Ewalu office at 563-933-4700.
Capacity: Sleeps 28 in single beds (double occupancy) + 24 in bunks
Cost: $52/adult or $26/child age 4-11 ($15 extra charge for single occupancy)
Additional Day Guests: $2/person
Family Rate: $110 (2 adults + 2 children under 18 in one room)
*Lodging and meal fees for children aged 4-11 are half of adults fees. Children 3 & under are free.
Deposit: $300 (non-refundable) required for reservation. Deposit is applied toward the total. If canceled, no refund unless rescheduled within 6 months.
Minimum lodging fee total per overnight group:
To reserve the Stone Center facility for a group, the minimum total lodging cost is only $550 per night. This is comparable to the charge for a minimum group size of only 10 people. For groups larger than 10 people, refer to the costs above. The cost includes private access to the commercial kitchen, recreation & conference rooms, 250 acres of trails and recreation fields, firewood, etc.
Day-only Use (without overnight lodging): $330 per day
Half day (reserved within 30 days of desired date): $175
Meals: See our Meals Page
Kitchen Use: Free use of commercial-quality kitchen facility for overnight groups.
Food Service: Ewalu can provide your group with quality, home-cooked meals and food service if desired. Additional fees apply.